TSA Smoked Ham Sale!!!
Order your holiday ham from the AM-PO TSA. Hams will be ready Nov. 22.
To order, contact Mr. Bush, hbush@amposchools.org
TSA will be selling smoked Thanksgiving hams thru November 8. Smoked hams are $35; unsmoked hams are $30. Contact a TSA member for ordering info.
Come eat pancakes and support our softball program tomorrow morning 8:30-11:00
PreK-3rd Fall Music Program
D.A.R.E Assembly
D.A.R.E program
Mrs. Schenk's class living it up at the Orr Family Farm Pumpkin Patch!
Am-Po students are learning about fire safety thanks to the Oklahoma Farm Bureau and the Pocasset Fire Department.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau Fire Safety House is at the elementary this morning!
HS Academic Team advances to Regionals with a District championship over Minco and Union City.
Solid scrimmage against Sterling. Go Panthers!
A big thanks to PTO and David Jay for the concrete work at the high school campus!
HS Academic Team defeats Minco and Union City to take first place in the District tournament! Congratulations!
You can support our TSA Chapter by ordering your next custom shirt through us! We can make shirts for individuals, teams, and organizations for only $10-$12. Email Mr. Bush, hbush@amposchools.org
HS & JH with Pistol Pete at the OSU cheer clinic
TSA Officers attend fall leadership conference.
TSA Officers attend fall leadership conference.
Great show going on at the HS! Talented group of students!
The place to be tonight!
Know of a newsworthy accomplishment by Am-Po students? Report it using the Am-Po app! Simply click on the 'Celebrate' option in the menu and fill in the details!